Instructor Resources

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Recognize your Peers
Recognize your co workers for work well done with an On The Spot. Each OTS will automatically forward to the person's supervisor/manager so they can see what a great job they did!

On Hill Resources

Teaching Resources

Building Class Groups

Trying to establish groups that are the best fit for engagement, safety and learning is a challenge. Here are some resources to help:

General Questions to ask our guests

Verbal Split for Kids Groups

Kids Levels Flatsheet

Adult Groups Flatsheet Levels 1-4

Benchmark Levels, Report Cards & Kids Videos

Spanish Version of Ability Levels

Lesson Outlines

Teaching the family Private

Level 1 Skiers

Aims And Objectives

These skiers are typically brand new to the sport. The goal is to give them a positive introduction to skiing and encourage their continued participation. Objectives for L1 students include:

Becoming familiar with equipment.
Being mobile in their environment.
Speed management (using a wedge stance)
Balancing on sliding skis.
Beginning to change direction (using a wedge stance)
Introduction to surface lifts.
Tips for a good lesson

When everything is new, seemingly simple things could be issues for students new to skiing. Take time to check clothing and equipment is appropriate and set up properly. You can solve many potential problems before they even happen this way.

Skis are simple bits of sporting equipment. There's the slippy bit (base) for gliding, and the grippy bit (edges) for controlling speed and direction.

Balance is usually a new students biggest concern so take time to develop confidence on flat terrain, in ski boots, and on one ski while gaining mobility in their environment.

When you put two skis on a student for the first time their independence suffers a bit, so revisit some of the tasks you did in boots or with one ski.

Drills & Skills

The Minis Handbook: An excellent resource for teaching 3 and 4 Year olds

Ski Skills & Drills Booklet

Snowboard Skills & Drills Booklet

Skill Development for Higher Levels (Kids)

Click Here to see a series of videos aimed at Introducing kids to a variety of skills in levels 3-6.

Teaching Children with Additional Needs

Click here or use the tab on the right for information that will help when teaching children who have additional needs.

    Avalanche Skills Training Videos

    The following videos were shot on an Avalanche Skills refresher session led by Ben Biswell. Thanks Kawasaki for videoing!

    **Please note that these videos are meant to be a refresher or interest videos - they do NOT certify you. You should always take the course before heading into the backcountry. Ask your supervisor how you can get a discounted rate on an AST1 course.

    Snow Pit
    Compression Test 1
    Compression Test 2
    Compression Test 3
    Avalanche Search

    Teaching in a second language

    FUN Stuff for Kids!

    Fun is part of every WKids day. Here are some tools to help:

    Songs for Minis